
2024-09-21 07:57:26 | 来源:本站原创

台州市,一个兼具文化底蕴与现代都市气息的地方,近年来成了许多茶友追求品茶之地。无论你是初尝茶道的新手,还是对茶文化深有研究的老手,在这个充满烟火气息的街道巷子里,总能找到一家让你驻足的茶馆。尤其是在2024年9月的中秋节期间,月圆之时,茶香伴随清风,氛围极其美好。想在台州市品茶喝茶资源预约,绝对是茶友们不可错过的体验 🍵。

漫步在台州市的大街小巷,你会发现每一家茶馆都有其独特的风格。有些茶馆隐藏在小巷深处,透过古色古香的木门,悠扬的琴声伴着淡淡的茶香溢出。而在这样的环境中,和朋友一起品茶、喝茶,无疑是一种身心放松的享受。如果你对这些独具风情的茶馆感兴趣,台州市品茶喝茶资源预约能帮助你轻松找到符合你口味的好地方,让你和亲朋好友共享这份宁静与悠闲 ☕。

正值2024年中秋佳节,团圆之夜的赏月活动少不了茶的陪伴。在这个时候,约上一两位好友,提前通过台州市品茶喝茶资源预约找到理想的茶馆,不仅可以避免节日时的高峰,还可以为自己留下更多的私人时光。中秋夜下,茶香四溢,与好友共赏皎洁的明月,这样的场景让人不由自主地沉浸其中 🌕。

如果你对茶文化有更深的追求,不妨通过台州市品茶喝茶资源预约深入了解当地的茶道课程与品鉴活动。在这些课程中,不仅能品味到各类名茶,还能学习如何更好地冲泡与品评,提升自身的茶艺修养。无论是茶的历史、产地,还是冲泡技法,你都能从中获得意想不到的收获 🧑‍🏫。





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News_ Starlite Plastic Products (Kunshan) Co., Ltd


  • Report on Exhibition at 2024 World Battery & Energy Storage Industry Expo and The 9th Asia Pacific Battery Exhibition

    Report on Exhibition at 2024 World Battery & Energy Storage Industry Expo and The 9th Asia Pacific Battery Exhibition In the context of the vigorous development of the global battery and energy storage industry, we attended the WBE2024 - 2024 World Battery & Energy Storage Industry Expo and the 9th Asia-Pacific Battery Exhibition held in Guangzhou from August 8 to 10, 2024. We carefully arranged a booth at the exhibition, fully demonstrated our material technology and mold flow analysis competence, and highlighted the display of Starlite’s own brand resin products that are independently researched and developed by the Company, including fluorine parts for high-performance batteries and key components of energy storage systems, among others. During the exhibition, more than 30 enterprises were attracted to have exchanges with us, including eight key ones we conducted in-depth technical exchanges with them. Subsequently, we will follow up the exchanges and grasp their needs, and strive for introduction of new products in the field of new energy battery energy storage, which will inject new impetus into the Company's subsequent development. ...MORE>>
  • Report on Display at 2024 Shanghai International Industrial Automation and Industrial Robot Exhibition

    Report on Display at 2024 Shanghai International Industrial Automation and Industrial Robot Exhibition The transformation of “Made in China 2025” from “Manufacturing” to “Intelligent manufacturing” has become a major direction for China’s industrial transformation and upgrade, where, automation, as the cornerstone of intelligent transformation, is undoubtedly of paramount importance SIA Shanghai International Industrial Automation and Robotics Exhibition integrates years of industry resources and gathers development advantages. This year’s exhibition was held at the National Convention and Exhibition Center from July 24 to 26, 2024, and we participated in this exhibition too. SIA China Smart Factory Exhibition is a professional exhibition for smart factories in China, featuring products relating to industrial automation, industrial robots, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, factory logistics, and intelligent transmission, among other things. We upgraded the display style at this exhibition, making careful preparation from lighting posters to display of physical products. This exhibition witnessed a large foot traffic, with more than 30 manufacturers exchanged with us, including 12 customers that need to be focused on as key ones for development in the future. As the post-expo follow-up visit plays a vital role, we strive to have cooperation with them earliest. ...MORE>>
  • 2024 Small Group Improvement Event Release

    2024 Small Group Improvement Event Release On Monday, May 27, 2024, the 2024 First Half Release Meeting of Small Group Improvement Event was held. There were total 16 groups participated in this period’s Small Group Improvement Event at the beginning of this year. After efforts made by various groups and release and selection of candidates at the business department level, a total of seven groups was recommended to attend this company-level release meeting. Before the official release, Nakai, deputy general manager made an opening speech, explaining that Starlite Kunshan’s small group promotion was synchronizing with the head office in Japan, and the event holding was changed to twice a year (one each in the first half and second half), congratulating the seven groups participating in this release to achieve good results. Through the intensive and wonderful release of various groups and the final assessment by the judge panel, it was determined that: the first prize went to the Section 1 of Fine Chemical Production, the second prize to General Affair Section and the third prize to Logistics Section of Fine Chemical. Finally, Deputy General Manager of Marketing made his detailed comments on each group: and explained that the topic selection of each group was relatively good this time, and the overall level of small group improvement event had improved compared with previous ones, and he looked forward to the next half small group improvement event in which better results could be achieved. ...MORE>>
  • 11th Blood Donation Event

    11th Blood Donation Event The Company organized employees who met the physical conditions for blood donation to actively participate in blood donation activities, in a move to advocate social contribution and social responsibility. On the morning of May 31, 2024, for successfully carrying out this significant activity that benefits people, oneself, and society, the Company posted a notice of various tips relating to blood donation on the bulletin board and introduced such knowledge at meetings, letting employees to have a full understanding of blood donation activities, eliminating their worries, and then they actively responded to participating in the blood donation activities. Through the above promotion, employees gained a comprehensive understanding of the significance of this blood donation event and showed great enthusiasm. Throughout the entire event, the staff of the Kunshan Red Cross Love Blood Donation Center were always on site to answer questions and solve difficulties for employees, enthusiastically providing service to each of donors, ensuring the smooth completion of this donation work. The entire event was filled with warmth and genuine emotions, showcasing the spirit of “Humanity, Fraternity, and Dedication”. The successful donation of 8,600 milliliters of blood by the Company fully demonstrates the strong sense of social responsibility and selfless dedication of our employees. Through this event, we believe it will greatly motivate all the employees of the Company, further make continuous contributions to society, and do their due humble strength. ...MORE>>
  • Starlite’s s 24th Event at Welfare Agency

    Starlite’s s 24th Event at Welfare Agency Starlite’s senior officers, trade union members, and members of the volunteer team paid a visit to Kunshan Welfare Agency on the morning of May 26, 2024. At this 24th welfare agency activity of “Respect the Nature, Love People, Philanthropic Starlite” held, toys, daily necessities, snacks, and other items were presented to children in Kunshan Welfare Agency to celebrate the upcoming June First Children’s Day. The entourage of our senior officers and trade union members had a cordial conversation with staff there about the infrastructure construction and management of the welfare agency, and learned about the health, life and learning of the children in the agency, and at the same time expressed respect and gratitude to them. During the event, surrounded by smiling naive faces full of innocence, the Company's leaders and trade union members distributed milk, bread, and other items to the children, and wished every child a happy Children's Day of June First! And encouraged children to face life with optimism and sunshine. The members of the volunteer team carefully prepared a dance to send blessings to the children, which won bursts of applause from them, letting them feel the love from society. Finally, gifts were issued and people gathered joyfully, spending a happy festival! We wish they can live happily under the care of love. ...MORE>>
  • Starlite 21st Donation Event - “Respect the Nature, Love People, Philanthropic Starlite”

    Starlite 21st Donation Event - “Respect the Nature, Love People, Philanthropic Starlite” For twenty-one years of ups and downs, our love has never interrupted. Starlite Kunshan ushered its 30th anniversary in 2024, receiving a lot of care from the regional society over the past 30 years. As a link of feedback to society, it is also for promotion of good exchanges and cooperation with local governments and embodiment of social responsibilities, and making due contributions to the promotion of regional culture, on the occasion of our 30th anniversary celebration ceremony held on May 18, we conducted the 21st donation event dubbed “Respect the Nature, Love People, Philanthropic Starlite” to Kunshan Contemporary Kunqu Opera Theater in a move to contribute to the development of Kunqu. Kunqu originated in Kunshan and is one of the oldest existing opera styles in China. It is known as the “ancestor of operas”. It has a profound influence on Chinese opera art. And in 2001, Kunqu was declared a “masterpiece of human history and Intangible Heritage” by UNESCO director general Koichiro Matsuura at its headquarters in Paris. Kunshan Contemporary Kunqu Opera Theater has specially set Kunqu Cultural Center, allowing visitors to look back on the 600-year history of Kunqu and share the event of the revitalization of Kunqu in the new era. We are deeply honored to be able to contribute to the development of Kunqu. In the future, Starlite Kunshan will continue to share the development results, further strengthen its connection with the regional society, and make due contributions to the development of Kunshan. ...MORE>>
  • Starlite 30th Anniversary Ceremony Grandly Held

    Starlite 30th Anniversary Ceremony Grandly Held On May 17, 2024, Secretary of the Kunshan Municipal Committee of the CPC met with President Takashi Saigo and his entourage who were attending the 30th anniversary of the Company. The secretary gave a high evaluation of Starlite Industries’ contribution to the development of Kunshan and expressed his sincere gratitude. President Saigo, who was setting foot on this hot land again after a lapse of five years, once again felt its vigorous development vitality, and was deeply touched. The meeting was also widely reported by such news outlets as Kunshan Release, Zhoushi Release, and Kunshi News, among others, which caused a great response and further increased Starlite's popularity. On May 18th, from 9:30 to 15:00 in the morning, the Starlite 30TH anniversary celebration ceremony was held at the Golden Eagle Chaumei Kunshan. Leaders of Kunshan City and Zhoushi Town Government, Itochu (China) Group Co., Ltd. East Asia General Representative, the entourage of President, GEO, Executive director, etc. of Starlite Industries, Inc., as well as all employees of Starlite Kunshan came to participate in the celebration ceremony. At the ceremony, the government leaders highly praised Starlite Kunshan's contribution to the Kunshan region’s economy and society over the past 30 years. As the first Japanese company to settled down in Zhoushi, Kunshan, Starlite Kunshan has experienced 30 years of ups and downs and growth together with Kunshan. The 30th anniversary celebration held this time is not only a review of history and a vision for the future, but also conveys confidence in and expectation to the development of both Zhoushi and Kunshan. The president is the founder of Starlite Kunshan and is full of feelings for it. More than 30 years ago, he resolutely opted to invest in Kunshan in the face of general opposition - this requires great courage. The employees of Starlite Kunshan rewarded this courage with significant growth and full motivation. The cerebration activities further strengthened the centripetal force and cohesion of employees. It is firmly believed that we can welcome the next 30th anniversary with a better position. ...MORE>>
  • Report of Exhibition of AMR Tianjin Frankfurt

    Report of Exhibition of AMR Tianjin Frankfurt The Auto Maintenance and Repair Expo (AMR) returned to and held in Tianjin from March 20 to 23, 2024. This show features of large scale, with the whole display area of approximately 100,000 square meters. Numerous exhibitors participated in the exhibition, showcasing the latest products, technologies, and services in automotive parts and after markets to the visitors. Specially for the show and in line with its future business development direction, the Company displayed results of its new materials and their excellent performance. In addition to showing ordinary auto parts, we also specially exhibited components relating to the new energy automobile industry, such as TIP SEA, SIDE SEAL and other related components for new energy compressors, high-end parts such as temperature control valves, actuators, etc. for new energy vehicles, expecting to attract more customers in these fields. A total of more than 1061 auto parts manufacturers from all over the country participated in the exhibition, with nearly 10,000 visitors attended. We received a total of 26 companies, of which six need us to follow up to focus on for development, in a bid to be able cooperate with them as soon as possible. Subsequently, we will continue to participate in various exhibitions, in a bid to promote our products, technical innovation capabilities and the corporate culture of “Respect the Nature and Love People”, striving to contribute to the sustainable development of the enterprise. ...MORE>>
  • 24th China (Hefei) International Equipment

    Manufacturing Expo From March 27 to 30, 2024, Starlite attended the 24th China (Hefei) International Equipment Manufacturing Expo. At the show, the Company exhibited products made of the S-bear material independently developed by it and other innovative products such as TIP SEAL, precision gears, and precision members, among others, attracting much attention from customers. With their features of high precision, high temperature resistance, self-lubricating and high strength, these products have shown great potential in markets of industrial equipment and automobiles, among other things. During the exhibition, through active exchanges and displays, the Company’s booth received a total of 21 customers, of which five customers showed a strong intention to cooperate. These customers mainly expressed their needs for such products as automobile generator parts, TIP SEAL, high-precision gears, etc. In order to further explore cooperation opportunities, Starlite has agreed to further communication with these customers showing intention and plans to conduct product feasibility assessments. The Company’s appearance at this exhibition demonstrated its strong R&D capabilities and product advantages. Through active interaction with a number of potential customers, the Company laid a foundation of getting PO placement for its future new projects. ...MORE>>
  • Titles of “Science and Technology Innovation Award” and “Star of Collaboration” Granted

    Titles of “Science and Technology Innovation Award” and “Star of Collaboration” Granted On March 23, 2024, the 15th Cherry Blossom (Sakura) Season Investment Promotion Event in Zhoushi Town was held as scheduled in Zhoushi Cherry Blossom Garden. During the event, Starlite Plastic Products (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. was awarded plates of commendation. The Company won the honorary titles of the industrial renewal Japanese-funded enterprises “Science and Technology Innovation Award” and “Wonderful Star of Collaboration Because of Sakura/ You”. While implementing production safety and green manufacturing, the Company is committed to working hard and moving forward bravely in the development of both new materials and products. It has achieved some results and has been well received and praised by government agencies. In the future, the Company will further implement technical innovation, transformation and upgrading to promote its sustainable and stable development. Therefore, it could make greater contributions to the region. ...MORE>>
  • Exhibition Report on 2024 Guangzhou International Auto Air-Conditioning and Transport Refrigeration Exhibition

    Exhibition Report on 2024 Guangzhou International Auto Air-Conditioning and Transport Refrigeration Exhibition With the fast takeoff of China's new energy vehicle industry, the mobile refrigeration industry has shown a quick development trend, and all aspects from production, sales to after-sales are becoming more and more matured. As a world-renowned mobile refrigeration professional one, this exhibition does not only display traditional automotive air-conditioning products, but also adds the areas of bus air-conditioning system and accessories, of refrigerated cold chain logistics equipment, and of vehicle thermal management system and accessories, attracting many professionals in the field of new energy vehicles. This was Starlite's first show attendance in 2024. We were also excited and well prepared to exhibit our products in the show. In just three days, we mainly showed related products in the compressor field that reflect the theme of the exhibition, especially air-conditioning sealing ring products made of the S-Bear material. In addition, also promoted were high-end parts such as temperature control valves and actuators for new energy vehicles, and friction materials produced with the S-Bear high-performance material were also widely favored by customers. We exchanged a total of 32 customers at this show, of which six were focused and targeted as the key ones (mainly new energy compressor manufacturers) for further development. In the future, we would strive to establish cooperative relations as soon as possible by seizing the opportunity to meet them at this exhibition. ...MORE>>
  • Title of “Green Safety Demonstration Enterprises” Awarded

    The Zhoushi Town Meeting on Promoting New Industrialization and High-quality Development was convened on February 26, 2024. At the meeting, Starlite was granted with an award, winding the honorable title of “Green Safety Demonstration Enterprises”. With the operation philosophy of “safety first“, the Company achieved the goal of “zero” accidents in the workplace throughout the year in 2023; it protected and improved the environment with the clean production method of striving to save energy and reduce emissions, and promoted the steady development of greening and safety of the enterprise. Meanwhile, the Company adhered to carrying out various social activities, which was well awarded and praised by government departments. In the future, Starlite will further strengthen production safety, implement safety specialization, digitization, and total participation of all the employees, and comprehensively improve the level of intrinsic safety. Besides, the Company will vigorously carry out energy-saving, EP and green energy activities, promote high-quality development, and continuously enhance competitiveness, influence and sustainable development capabilities. Therefore, it could make greater contributions to regional society. ...MORE>>
Starlite Plastic Products (Kunshan) Co., Ltd